The Box or Step is an important tool to train for any outdoor adventure. For those who do not have access to regular elevation gain, the box allows for one to train similar muscle groups that are utilized during uphill and downhill travel in the mountains. Here few things to consider when selecting a box or step; available space, budget, and style that will suit you best. From the top down, the foam box is an OAT favorite and used in all of our training videos. The foam box is light, easy to move, modular in height, and mitigates the risk of bloody shins during plyometric exercises. One con of the foam box is that it adds a level of instability on the less stable surface, although we actually look at that as a pro! The wooden box is another great option that is very durable, although they can be heavier and run the risk of potential injury during plyometric exercises. Most wood boxes allow for easy transitions between various heights. The free-standing metal step is a gym classic, providing great stability, lightweight construction, and less floor space. Some downsides, they do not allow for adjustment of height and can leave their mark on your shin if you don’t quite make the jump! That being said, we encourage you to go to your local sporting good store and test out all options before purchase.